Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Obama's Gettysburg Address

How many of you read all of those stories about how President Obama dishonored the Gettysburg battlefield by his presence at the commemoration of the Gettysburg Address, to say nothing of the fact he should be paying attention to fixing Obamacare?

Someone? Anyone? Bueller?

Of course you didn't, because the president wasn't there.

Cue the outrage and idiocy, some of which was summarized in Daily Kos about Obama "snubbing" the occasion.

Of course, he also caught a lot of crap for leaving out the phrase, "under God," even though the text documentary filmmaker Ken Burns gave him didn't have that phrase in it.

Just imagine what would have happened had Obama actually gone to Gettysburg.

Noted historian Newt Gingrich would have tweeted: Who does @obama think he is? That he can share a day with Abraham Lincoln, the #greatest president? #stayhome.

Fox and Friends would have had a field day. Imagine the discussion:

Brian: I can't believe that President Obama went to Gettysburg today. He's got way too much on his plate in Washington to take time out for something like this. He's got to fix that Obamacare mess that is throwing millions of people out of their insurance plans. That should be enough. He's got to figure out what's going on in Afghanistan. He's got to approve that pipeline.

Liz: Just think of all the women who are being hurt by Obamacare. That should be his top priority.

Guest: Ted Cruz. I agree. Obama going to Gettysburg is an insult to the proud history of America. Abraham Lincoln was our greatest president, and for Obama to try to link himself with Lincoln is just unfathomable.

Daily Caller: Obama Is Not Lincoln would be the headline on the story. The text might read something like: President Obama had a lot of nerve going to Gettysburg for the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. Obama is most certainly not Abraham Lincoln. Where Lincoln united the country, Obama has done nothing but divide it. He should have stayed home.

Washington Times Editorial: Shame On Obama (Again): It's not enough that Obama has wrecked the economy and destroyed our health care system. Now he's out to destroy our heritage. By going to Gettysburg and inserting himself into history, Obama showed his callous disregard for the sacrifice of the brave soldiers on both sides of that terrible conflict.

Statement from Pa. Gov. Tom Corbett: "I was disappointed to see President Obama at the battlefield today. It should have been a day for reflection and remembrance. Instead, his presence made it into a political circus. The president has enough to do in Washington without coming to my state and causing trouble."

With all that criticism, Obama should have just stayed home.